Thursday, May 15, 2008

Is web 2.0 better than 1.0 better than no web at all?

Yes. No. It doesn't matter.
There are some great examples of wonderful content, delivered in the most awkward way imaginable, then there are others of great techniques conveying absolutely nothing. It's a medium; used properly, it can be a great medium. Used as a gimmick, it is often a meaningless waste of time.

Very often, style is the enemy of content. How often have you sen a beautiful looking site, banner, poster, or TV spot that says nothing? more over, how often have you heard people say "yea, there's nothing special there, but it sure looks good"

What matters most - in web 2.0, mobile, gaming, or ancient papyrus scrolls, is still the content. What are you saying? Id it interesting? What are you letting others say and do? Are you building a community? Are you building a hollow monument to your own ego? You talking to me?

So what I'll try to do here is show some examples of the best and worst uses and abuses I can find. Hopefully we'll learn something from that.

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